I also filled out my holdings spreadsheet with my top picks to fill out my 32 dividend stocks. While I may not purchase them yet, they are in line. Some of them need to shape up before I will buy them anyway or they will get replaced. I'll take each one at a time to explain the method to my madness.

Alaska Air Group (ALK) - I was surprised to find this listed as an Industrial on Fish's list, but then you don't see many airlines with 5+ years of dividend increases. This airline and Delta both have hit that mark recently. It is a speculative purchase, but it fills out my 2 industrials, and airlines are always good for profits (at least) if you know when/how to buy them. I don't care much for using domestic airlines in general, but I know them, and I know how they behave, so I feel this is a safe bet for someone who has made money on airlines over the years. Probably the only sub-sector I can day-trade successfully.

Exxon Mobil (XOM) - What's to say that hasn't been said? It's Exxon, basically Chevron's twin when compared to everything else in the Energy sector. Oil may be in a decline, but with the Tesla Tax Break going away, I think Oil will do fine until I expire. There's also that smug feeling of buying gas at the pump and knowing that what I pay will come back to my pocket. Go Big Oil!

National Retail Properties (NNN) - REITs after a certain point become reliable compared to each other in that sector. I know YD doesn't like the way they operate fundamentally, but they are there and real estate never goes away. NNN has raised its dividend for quite a few years, and until I can mentally get past the REIT yield payout number (O's is higher) I'll move in here. There are about two other REITs I am keeping my eye on, so this one may change.

Qualcomm (QCOM) - Mastercard is considered a "Tech" company these days, so that works for me, as Tech is another lame sector for dividend investors. QCOM and IBM were the only two worth considering for me, and since Mastercard took one spot, I can give the other to QCOM. That is until they get bought out by Broadcom - I still need to keep an eye on this one in the coming months, and who knows, IBM might get its chance at bat.
Last but not least...

Well, there's my tentative watchlist. I'm pretty committed to TSN, WMT, ALK, & XOM, but the others not so much. After filling out the list, I can concentrate more on buying on dips in my stocks, getting to the "DRIP Level" (see my post on DRIPping), and getting my monthly payouts closer to each other. Then I could buy more Abbot on a pullback, or CMP the next time their mine caves in.
Happy Investing!
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